Friday 12 January 2018

Slow jigging on the wrecks - September 2017


This year has seen me pursue the whole 'Slow Jigging' phenomenon with a little more interest. It's something I've been doing overseas for a while but had never really applied to my UK fishing. It's hard not to have noticed this new trend as it has been promoted pretty heavily by various brands on the UK tackle market. And for good reason......

The use of ultra fine modern lines and metal jigs with appropriate 'slow pitch' rods really is a pleasure. It enables the angler to fish direct to the lure in depths that were previously only ever tackled with heavy gear, pirks and flying collars. It's a revelation and surely the future of lure fishing from a boat in many ways. It's so much more sporting....

I've been messing around with small jigs when out drifting the wrecks just off of Brighton with my mate, Paul. The technique proves very effective and on the day in the video, out-fished the 'Fish-minnows' Paul was using quite considerably. They're usually very effective lures themselves as it is! The jigs provided a good variety of species too, with pout, bass and codling coming aboard.

I've even tried for the whiting with them too as you see from the picture below. Drifting across sandy areas and bouncing the slow jigs off the bottom has produced some stunning whiting sport over the autumn months. And some rather nice specimens too.......the light jigging tackle gave the whiting a chance to show off their fighting prowess. It was great fun catching them....which is not something you hear said every day about whiting! Give it a try!

Enjoy the video clip.....

A cracking whiting nailed on a slow jig

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